Jess’s Top 10 Reasons Why I Missed My Deadline in 2015

© Jessica Sheehan


Editor’s Note: Each writer submitted a list of her Top 10 Anything. These lists will be published over the next few days as we usher in the New Year. We hope 2016 is the year that shakes your snow globe – in the best way possible.

Here’s Jess’s Top 10 reasons she missed her deadline in 2015.


by Jess


10. The computer was across the room, and my belly was in the way.

9. My heartburn was awful so I needed to drink a milkshake.

8. My doctors put me on hospital bedrest until my twins were born.

7. The twins don’t believe in deadlines either, though they wanted to start their lives 3 months early as overachievers.

6. I was in the ICU due to liver explosion (a true medical term).

5. I was in the NICU with the babies, watching them breathe and grow and generally be warrior women.

4. I was driving between two different NICUs because nothing in this life worth having comes easily.

3. Avery’s home now, so I lost staff of beautiful and talented nurses.

2. Victoria came home too, and my life just became a full-time juggling act.

and the number 1 reason why I missed my deadline this year:

1. I slept through it.

Making It Up As We Go Along – Part Five

© Nicole Keane

© Nicole Keane

Theme: Yes, AND…


by Jess

“Sing? To you? Here? Now?”

Lesley shrugged, a full-bodied motion that filled the remaining space of the small lift. “You know of a better place than here and now?”

If Dru was being honest with herself, “here and now” was the only stable place she could think of. There was the past, which evaded her with every passing moment. There was the future, which somehow seemed tethered to letting go of the past. The present, however, felt steady and sure. The present didn’t judge her or beg her to remember. The present just was. Continue reading

To Health, Wealth, and Happiness!

witches of east end

Theme: The personal rituals shared between lady friends.


Written by Jessica

When My Girls (trademark pending) and I get together, we always toast, “To health, wealth, and happiness!” It’s a tradition, one of many, that started long before I can remember and will likely continue for the rest of our lives. It started as just that—an appropriate toast while we clinked our glasses of bubbly—but in the many, many years that the five of us have been together, it’s become more of a mantra. These are our words to live by, and I think other groups of ladyfriends can find themselves in our words too. Continue reading

Time Ticks By So Slowly

Theme: When something changes – good or bad. A twist of events, an unexpected turn of events, a change in the wind, weather, love, whatever.


Written by Jessica

Right now, change is like another person who lives in my house, though change doesn’t pay rent. (Change is apparently a squatter.) I know that everything will be very different soon. I become more aware of it with every shirt that I can’t wear anymore and with every little kick I feel. I know that, for me and mine, nothing will ever be the same, and these next few months are the last pieces of my old life. My “Me and My Dude and My Dog” life, which currently involves a lot of sofa snuggles, snacks, and streaming TV. I won’t lie to you—it’s super great. Yet, with every new episode of Breaking Bad we watch, I become acutely aware that our evenings will be spent in a much different fashion than this, much sooner than I realize. At least, that’s what everyone keeps telling me.

Then why do I feel like it’s taking so… dang… LONG?

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Jessica meets Gesa

Theme: fictionalize your first encounter with another GMGM author.


Strangers On A Train (Except Without the Whole Murder Pact Thing)

It started like any other day. I woke up and got myself ready for work. I listened to a new-to-me How Did This Get Made? on the way to the Metro, trying desperately not to laugh out loud but failing miserably. The trains were running behind again, but I wasn’t too concerned. It wasn’t too cold or too windy, and I still had plenty of time to get to work without being late, either fashionably or otherwise.

I saw her sitting on one of the benches on the platform, a small wheeled suitcase pressed into the side of her boots. She looked tired and confused– what I’d call the classic Tourist Face. She wore a long woolen coat that looked incredibly comfortable and warm and a pretty patterned scarf. I thought she was staring at nothing at first, then I noticed the rail map directly across from her. Her eyes darted this way and that across the stops on the map.

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I Am Not An Extrovert.

This may come as a surprise to many people who have met me in person, but I do not consider myself an extrovert.  At least I don’t anymore.

As a child, I found it easy to make friends in any situation. As an adult, I can be very talkative and outgoing, especially in the right setting.  Any of my friends or family knows that it’s often impossible to shut me up once I get going.  I love to tell stories, and I love to hear a room full of people laughing at my jokes and one-liners. Continue reading

Just Call Me Angel of the Morning

Good morning! Yes, you read that right—contrary to my long-standing beliefs, mornings CAN be good.

This past week, I woke up before my alarm and I decided to do the unthinkable: actually get out of bed and be awake. In the morning. When I didn’t have to be. Continue reading

Letting The Days Go By

Y’all? I like to talk. I like to vocalize my problems and chat about life and generally share all of my thoughts with anyone who will listen. This is partially because my voice is top notch in all situations, but the main reason is that I need the reassurance that my mind is in the right place. For longer than I’m going to admit on the internet, I’ve been dealing with some fairly personal goings-on, and I made the decision early on to keep it quiet. It went against everything in nature to shut my yapper, but I figured I’d try something new for a change. Continue reading

Must Be the Season of the Wedding

Good morning!

I post pictures of my in-laws’ backyardyou post pictures of Vietnam.  I see how it is.

So where have I been and what have I been up to, missy?  As you know, it’s sticky, sweaty summertime here in DC, and when it’s summer and you’re of a certain age, it can only mean one thing.  Oh that’s right, it’s Wedding Season– that wonderful time of year when you spend a ton of money on new pretty dresses, hotel rooms in remote parts of the country, and expensive kitchen products and/or fancy towels for people you’ve known since before either of you cared about expensive kitchen products and/or fancy towels.  Hopefully, these thoughtful expenditures will all pay off (heh heh) in the end, as in you’re treated to a delicious meal, an open bar, and more dancing than you’ll do for the rest of the year. Continue reading


Peanut butter, Kaya, and tons of salty water

Good morning!

I literally just ate a peanut butter and Kaya sandwich.  I wish I could hug you.

A few weekends ago, Larry & I went to his parents’ house for a weekend of preparing for Larry’s sister’s wedding (which is approaching VERY QUICKLY) and the mutual hanging out of my parents and his parents.  Yes, you read that right.  Sometimes, I feel I am so lucky to have married into an awesome family who loves me like their own.  Other times, I get very confused.

Enjoy these cell phone shots of our lovely, relaxing, wine-filled weekend. Continue reading